Map 3 Map 4 Map 5
Map 6
Flora According to the survey carried out by P. Hiernaux and L. Diarra, the flora of the inland Delta contains 52 woody species and 137 herbaceous species. The taxonomy of species is taken from the flora by Hutchinson & J.M. Dalziel: Flora of West Tropical Africa (2nd edition), Keay, R.W.J. & Hepper, F.N. (eds), Vol. 1-3. The flora of the inland Delta is poor (189 species), even compared to that of the surrounding Sahelian lands, which is characteristic of flooded lands. By way of comparison, the Gourma region in the Niger loop has about 350 species. The characterization of the floristic composition of each plant association combines two notions: that of indicator value and that of abundance-dominance of species. The indicator value of the species is indicated by probability thresholds of the presence of the species within a 100 plot selected in the plant association. The relevant thresholds and corresponding codes are the same as for the ecological profiles and correspond to those indicated in the section dealing with the data processing. The abundance-dominance is indicated independently by the distinction of three categories of species: the dominant, accompanying and occasional species. It is proposed to ascribe to these categories a contribution of respectively 80%, 15% and 5% to the production of the herbaceous mass. These arbitrary rates are to be shared between the species listed in each category. In other words (Table 2), the floristic form of a plant association comprises a list of species, each species being characterized by its indicator sign (0, ,+, ++, +++) and an indication of abundance-dominance status in the association as coded according to Table 1, translated into a quantitative contribution of the species to herbage mass and production. T able 1 : Abundance-dominance status of the species Table 2 : profile card for B bourgoutière with Echinochloa stagnina
CODE   Abundance - dominance status   HD   Dominant Herbace o us   HA   Herbac eous companions    HO   O c casional Herbaceous   LD   Dominant Woody   LA   Woody companions   LO   Occasional Woody
The plant association coded B only comprises herbaceous plants. The dominant herbaceous species of a plant association tally 80% of the herbaceous mass, the rule of equitable distribution prevailing between species of the same status, two in this case, 40% for Echinochloa stagnina and 40% for Vossia cuspidata . Herbaceous companions account for 15% of the herbaceous mass, and occasional herbaceous plants account for the remaining 5%. Again, the rule of equal distribution prevails between species of the same category. When a plant association comprises herbaceous and woody plants, the same distribution rules apply separately to the 100% herbaceous mass and the 100% leaf mass of the woody plants.
The layer FLORE1 keeps the Delta vegetation units (VEG4 layer) but associates them to a data table listing the 189 plant species (137 herbaceous and 52 ligneous) present in the Delta. The structure of the data table is therefore imposed and has 190 columns - or fields - (1 "acronym" field and 189 "species" fields) by 120 lines (1 line for each vegetation type listed in the layer VEG4). For each plant species, its contribution to the herbaceous mass or the woody plant foliage mass is indicated for each vegetation type.The absence of a particular species is coded "0". In order to facilitate the creation of the table, the fields of the 137 herbaceous species listed in alphabetical order have been referred to as "her_1" to "her_137", the woody species being referred to as "lig_1" to "lig_52". A table in the annex indicates the correspondence between the name of the field and the name of the plant species. Working from FLORE1, it is therefore possible to map the spatial distribution of each plant species present in the Delta, either in terms of "presence/absence" or by means of queries related to rates of participation to the plant mass in each association.
Map 1 represents Echinochloa stagnina - the “burgu” - according to its presence / absence. Map 2 depicts Echinochloa stagnina based on its participation to the herbaceous mass of each unit, giving a very different picture: the Delta bourgoutieres” correspond only to the areas where Echinochloa stagnina is the dominant species. The abundance of one species marks the vegetation units characterized by a single plant association in which that species dominates –“ bourgoutière” , wild rice, Vetiver and Eragrostis savannas - but those plants are also present in multiple mosaics. Thus, Echinochloa stagnina is dominant in the bourgoutière B and in the deep bourgoutière BP, but it also contributes with various mass shares to nearly thirty vegetation types, as shown by the comparison of maps 1 and 2. Maps 3 to 5 present the spatial distribution of very common species in flooded or dry vegetation types. On the contrary, map 6 presents the distribution of a species that is an environment marker.
Map 2
The layer «FLORE1»
Map 1
The three maps 3 to 5 show the spatial distribution of the presence of three very common herbaceous species in the flooded and dry environment. Vetivera nigritana (her_134) is ubiquitous as soon as there is flooding. Referring to a level dominated by Vetivera nigritana, as found in part of the literature devoted to the Delta vegetation, is therefore a contradiction: not only do the various Vetiver savannas occupy flood levels ranging from level 3 to level 6, but Vetivera nigritana is also found in the deepest flood level - level 7 - in the PAK association and in the shallowest flood level - level 2 - in the ZB association, as an accompanying herbaceous in both cases. Oryza longistaminata (her_93) is very abundant in the flooded plains of the Delta and marks well the areas with regular average flooding. In contrast to Oryza longistaminata , the association of Piliostigna reticulatum (lig_39), Acacia seyal (lig_10) and Acacia raddiana (lig_8) characterizes the dry "wooded" Delta, mainly located on the margins and on the hillocks, the Togge and the
Peroudji , where the villages are preferentially located as well as the Bille , the pastoral camps where the herds rest when they are not grazing in the flooded plains of the "grassy" Delta, which is exploited by fishermen, rice farmers and pastoralists. There are, however, a few exceptions of woody plants growing in flooded plains such as Mimosa pigra and Acacia kirkii . Map 6 illustrates an environment marker. Hyphaene thebaica (lig_32), the dum palm tree, has the particularity of being born "feet in the water", so in more or less flooded lands. It is in particular common in the riverine forest of Sahelian wadis . As an adult plant, however, Hyphaene can pump water from very deep water tables. It is a tree that lives long - more than 300 years - and may be located in places still flooded to day or on the contrary, in places that are never reached by the flood but might have been flooded one, two or three centuries ago. The comparison of the distribution of the dum palm tree with the limits of the current flood (by spatial data) would allow us to spot "fossil flood" locations.
Flora annexes
Dominant or   codominant species   Accompanying species     Occasional species     Echinochloa   stagnina   +++   Ipomea aquatica   +   Melochia corchorifolia   +   Vossia cuspidata   ++   Nymphaea lotus   ++   Utricularia inflexa   +       Nymphaea maculata   +   Vetiveria nigritana   +       Polygonum spp.   +