Ecological variables The main ecological variables related to the floristic composition of the vegetation in the inlan d Delta of the Niger River are as follows:
The topomorphological position: (9 classes) The probability of the occurrence of each vegetation association in a “topomorphological" position was established for 9 of these positions: river bed, levee, bank, flood plain, sedimentation basin, shoal, loamy clay mound , sandy mound, irrigated rice field. For example, the probability of occurrence of the vegetation association BP, “burgu” with Vossia cuspidata , in the topomorphological positions is figured in the rectangles on top of the following drawing. The probability is assessed by the indexed profile method previously described. For example BP occurs more significantly in sedimentation basins (p <0.001) and secondarily in the river beds (p <0.01). Flood: it includes the following headings: - regularity: 5 classes - duration: 6 classes - water height: 7 classes - date and speed of rising water (6 classes and 5 classes) - date and speed of water fall (6 classes and 5 classes) Table 1 : Flood characteristics of the vegetation association B (« Burgu » Echinocloa stagnina)
Regularity   N on   flooded   0   Very irregular.   0   Irregular   0   Regular   ++   Very regular   +++
Height (m)   N on   flooded   0   [0 - 0,1m[   0   [0,1 - 0,3m[   0   [0,3 - 0,6m[   0   [0,6 - 1,5m[   ++   [1,5 - 2,8m[   +++   [2.80 - 4m[   ++ Duration (month)   Non   flooded   0   0 - 1   0   2 - 3   +   4 - 5   +   6 - 7   +++   > 7   0 Flood fall   Date   speed   N on   flooded   0   non  flooded   0   October   0   slow   +   November   0   progressive   +++   Dec. - Jan.    +   fast   +   Feb. - March   +++   abrupt   0   April and   +   + Flood rising     Date   S peed     N on  flooded   0   N on  flooded   0     July   +++   slow   0     August   ++   progressive   +     September   +   fast   +++     O ctob er   0   abrupt   +     N ov   and    +   0
The floods linked with the vegetation association B (“Burgu” with Echinochloa stagnina ), taken as an example, are typically very regular, with a 6 to 7 months ' duration, and a maximum height between 1.5 m and 2.8 m. The food rise is rapid and takes place in July, while the fall is gradual and takes place between February and April. (These characteristics in terms of dates were determined in relation to the plains of Moura, Ténenkou, Diafarabé, Kadial, Kakagnan, Walado and Saya). Soil drainage and hydromorphy: the types of soil drainage and hydromorphy are noted for the non-flooded vegetation associations Table 2: soil drainage and hydromorphic characteristics of vegetation association TB (Palm grove with Borassus aethiopum).
D rainage   Above   ground   In soil   fast   slow   nill   good   +   0   0   imperfect   +++   +   0   poor   +   0   0 Type of soil  hydromorphy   p   N ot  hydromorph ic   ( deep water table )   +++   W ater table  reaching  [0,1  to  0,3 m ] seasonally   0   W ater table  reaching  top soil   seasonally   0   S easonal flood   0   A quati c   0
The soil drainage and hydromorphy of the flooded vegetation association are systematically set to zero. Conversely the flood variables are set to zero for the non flooded vegetation associations. Example of a complete ecological file of a vegetation association with the field titles as they appear in the database. All these data can be downloaded (excel file "ecology").