The model of the area’s natural environment is based on the Niger Delta rangeland map produced by the CIPEA-IER / ODEM team as explained in the history of the project. It covers the plains of the Niger basin from Macina (on the Niger River) and Baramandougou (on the Bani River) upstream to lake Débo downstream, including a fraction of Farimaké to the northwest of Lake Débo, a total area covering slightly over 22,000 km². This map, together with the accompanying studies, was to be used for a regional development plan with the creation of pastoralists' or agro-pastoralists' associations. This perspective determined the level of precision sought in the definition of map themes, the scale of surveys and map restitution, i.e. 1:50 000. This is not a cadastral scale but one that is detailed enough (the area of ​​the smallest mapped units is about 1 ha) to model the regional ecosystem, an essential step forward in the process leading to a better understanding of spatial issues for the use and appropriation of resources in the Delta. 1 - Field surveys We are giving here only the minimum number of indications to understand the methodology we implemented; for further details, the reader will refer to the work of Hiernaux et al. (cited in the bibliography). The assessment of the fodder resources of the Delta is established on the basis of a phyto-ecological study. The fodder productivity, floristic composition, sensitivity to grazing, etc., are reported in relation to about twenty types of rangelands defined in a prior phyto-ecological study. The rangeland types are defined both by the characteristics of their vegetation floristic composition and bio-morphological structure and by those of the environment– topographic and geomorphological positions, soil textures, flooding regime, mode of pastoral exploitation... The phyto-ecological analysis was carried out on 169 sites of 100 each, 127 located in the flood plains, 8 in the irrigated rice fields of the Office du Niger and 34 others in the unflooded uplands of the Delta. The implementation of a methodical and simultaneous survey of the characteristics of the vegetation and the environment is largely inspired by the method developed by CNRS researchers from the CEPE Louis Emberger Laboratory (M. Godron et al ., 1968, Ph.Daget et al . 1970). In addition to the plant mass measurements accompanying each phyto-ecological survey, twelve sites were devoted to vegetation production measures (a mesh enclosure of 1000 to 1500 was set for each site). Measurements and treatments were carried out within the enclosures, therefore on rangeland protected from grazing. The main measurements made within the enclosures were as follows: seasonal and inter-annual changes of standing mass and production when protected from grazing, effect of mowing and burning practiced at earlier or later stages, on grass regrowth, effect of several repetitive mowing regimes on the production of regrowth in the dry season, effect of several repetitive mowing regimes following initial burning on the production of regrowth in the dry season, trials in hay making, in terms of cutting period and mode of conservation. In addition, in three of these twelve sites, a piece of rangeland of several hectares was identified and monitored. The systematic monitoring of livestock numbers and of the duration of their presence within this rangeland was used to estimate seasonal stocking rates.The grass mass was monitored throughout the dry season in the grazed rangeland and also inside mobile cages displaced every 15 days to measure the regrowth of the grass under grazing. 2 - Data processing As for the survey method, the analysis of the data uses the calculation procedure recommended by the researchers of the Center of Phytosociological and Ecological Studies Louis Emberger (CNRS Montpellier) where the calculations were carried out. Two approaches were combined: one more analytical, with the establishment of the ecological profiles of the species for the main ecological variables, the other more synthetic for the factorial analyses of the correspondences which are carried out in the "species- site" and the "species-states of variables" matrices. For each plant association, flora, ecology, annual and seasonal vegetation and fodder production are characterized on the basis of systematic information collected in 169 sites (393 taxa and 119 ecological variables). Statistical analyses of these data established the floristic and ecological profiles of each plant combination. These are so-called 'indexed ecological profiles’, in which the indication for each class of the variable or taxon considered constitutes a threshold of probability of presence or absence (of the plant association in the situation corresponding to a class of the variable, or of the species in the plant association). The method known as "indexed ecological profiles" is described in a seminal article co-authored by B. Gauthier, M. Godron, P. Hiernaux and J. Lepart, " A complementary type of ecological profile , Canadian Botanical Association, 1977, Vol 55, pp. 2859-2865. " It consists in "analyzing a collection of phyto-ecological surveys taking into account the presence of plant species and a number of variables characterizing the environment". Concretely, a test assesses the sensitivity of the plant species, or of the plant combination considered, to the state of the variable. Five cases of sensitivity are recorded and coded in the database. Table 1: Codes representing the intensity of species/plant association profile linkages or plant association/status of variables.
· · · · ·
Cod e   Statistical significance   +++   The species is significantly  linked   to the state of the variable at  p <0.001   ++   The species is significantly  linked   to the state of the variable at  p <0.0 1  but not at p <0.001   +   The species is significantly  linked   to the state of the variable at  p <0.05but not at p <0.01      The species is  not  significantly  linked   to the state of the variable at  p <0.05   0   Sampling is not sufficient to conclude
The identification of plant combinations and field checks were carried out between September 1979 and September 1982. 27 elementary plant combinations were recognized, 17 of which were in the flood plains and the Delta rice fields, 3 in the northern lake plains and 7 on islands, banks and high plains.
* MB The mosaic of the banks is not, strictly speaking, a plant combination, but a complex mosaic. It provides a "shortcut" for different flooded formations (VB, B, O, VOR, VSP, VH, AG, ZB). It is located on the edge of the River’s minor bed, on the spread of narrow levees and channels which occupy the major bed of the Niger, the Bani and their main tributaries. Its main characteristics are the subject of a specific sheet, but are not determined by calculation like other mosaics.
Photo-interpretation and mapping The mapping was done on the basis of a photo-interpretation of the cover 75 MAL 32/500 23x23 cm panchromatic and IRC infra-red color plates - 1:50 000 complemented locally by covers 74 MAL 20/500 for the south-west and 70/71 AO 891/500 for the eastern bank. In the course of the initial surveys, the correspondence between the nature of the vegetation type and that of the topo- geomorphological environment was established on a case-by-case basis, on the basis of their aspects in aerial photographs. Mark Haywood then proceeded with the photo-interpretation under stereoscope with very high magnification, delimitating the recognized vegetation types. The boundaries were drawn by hand on the topographic map of the National Geographic Institute (I.G.N.) and the OICMA map, enlarged by the kilometric grid method. The field checks were carried out by Pierre Hiernaux, Lassine Diarra and Mark Haywood. In this vegetation map, Mark Haywood refers only to the vegetation types, without separating the cultivated areas whose location and extent vary from year to year. The cultivated areas have been mapped in work published separately. Indeed, on aerial photos, particularly infrared ones, one can "read" the vegetation types under the cultivated plots which, even if they are used for rice- crops, are a system of temporary cultivation alternating with fallows. This particularity will be very valuable to determine which vegetation types have been cleared at various times. However, such readings are not possible in the case of controlled irrigated schemes from which all traces of previous vegetation types have disappeared. Such is the case of the Office du Niger schemes which are coded R, like a particular plant association. BP, B and VB constitute very deep, plain “bourgoutières” and “Low Vetiver stands”, PAK corresponds to very deep Vetiver stands with Acacia Kirkii and PAM to channels and low plains with Mitragina inernis . OP, O represent deep and plain wild rice, VOR and EOR, deep Vetiver and Eragrostis savannas, VSP and ESP, medium Vetiver and Eragrostis savannas, VH and AC the high plain Vetiver and Eragrostis savannas, P and ZB the Panicaies and flood edge savannas. AG is a shrubby savanna weakly flooded with Andropogon gayanus and the plant combinations ranging from TA to TT are "dry" formations that normally are not affected by flooding. They are located on the dry margins and on the " togge (sg. toggere ), the Fulani name for the never-flooded mounds in the Delta. PAN, PAS, PAR are woody savannas extending in the plains where the flood is very irregular and related to local run-offs during the rainy season and then, at the end of the year, to delayed river flooding reverting through the channels toward the northern lakes. They are found mainly in Farimaké. A map unit represents one of the 27 elementary plant combinations (28 with the mosaic MB) indicated by its acronym or, more often, a mosaic of two elementary types representing a gradient along a slope or small ripples of land that reflect small but significant variations in flood conditions over a small area. In some cases, photo-interpretation would have made it possible to separate the constituent types from the mosaics, but the small size of the units would have rendered the map very difficult to read. In the rest of the text, the term "vegetation type" is a generic term. The term "plant combination" refers to the 27 elementary plant combinations identified by Pierre Hiernaux. They are always identified by an acronym consisting of one to three letters, as shown in the previous table. The phrase "vegetation mosaic" designates a composite of vegetation types. They are always identified by an acronym that is itself composite, the two constituent elements of which are separated by a slash. Thus O/VOR is a mosaic whose constituent elements are the vegetation associations O and VOR. The methods for calculating these mosaics will be described in the section on vegetation databases. Finally, the information for each plant association is grouped into three sections: floristics, ecology and production. These three sections have been kept in the database architecture and correspond to tables.
Table 2 : Codes and names of the twenty seven vegetation associations of the Inland Delta of the Niger
Codes   Name of the vegetation association    AC   Very shallow  flood, savanna,  Eragrostis   barteri ,  Andropogon   canali culatus   AG    Sandy soil ,   savanna,  Andropogon   gayanus   B    Deep flood, plain,  Echinochloa   s tagnina   BP    Very deep flood, plain,   Echinochloa   s tagnina ,  Vossia   cuspidata   EOR    Mid flood, grassland,    Eragrostis   barteri   ESP    Shallow flood, grassland,  Eragrostis   barteri ,  Setaria anceps   MB *   Stream bead mosaic of vegetation associations   O    Mid flood, wild rice plain,  Oryza longistaminata,   Setaria anceps   OP    Deep flood wild rice,  Oryza longistaminata, Eleocharis dulcis   P    Marginal flood,  grassland, Panicum   anabaptisum   PAK    Very deep flood, wood l and,  Acacia  k irkii   PAM    Deep flood, thicket,  Mitragyna   inernis   PAN    Mid lacustrine flood, woodland,  Acacia  nilotica   PAR    Sh allow  lacust r ine flood, woodland,  Acacia raddiana     PAS    Slight   lacustrine flood, woodland,  Acacia seyal   R    Irrigated rice fields,  Oriza   sativa   TA    Upland, savanna,  Andropogon   g ayanus ,  Pilio s tigma reticulat um   TB    Palm grove,  Borassus  aethiopum   TC    Upland, anthropic woody savanna,   Celtis   integrifolia, Borassus   aethiopum   TD    Upland, thicket,  Diospyros mespiliformis, Acacia pennata   THY    Palm grove,  Hyphaene   thebaica   TS    Upland, shrub b y savanna,  Acacia seyal ,  Acacia sieberiana   TT    Upland, shrub b y   savanna,   Terminalia   macroptera   VB    Very deep flood, savanna,  Vetiveria   nigritiana ,  Vossia   cuspidata   VH    Very shallow   flood, savanna,  Vetiveria   nigritiana   VOR    Mid flood, savanna,  Vetiveria   nigritiana ,  Oriza   longistaminata   VSP    Shallow flood, savanna,  Vetiveria nigritiana ,  Hyparrhenia   rufa   ZB    Edges of highest floods,  Bergia suffruticosa
Field survey methods and data processing