History of the project The ILCA / ODEM Project
The International Livestock Center for Africa ILCA/CIPEA was created in 1975, as the 13 th research center of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research CGIAR which funded research centers promoting the "green revolution". It established itself in Mali in 1979, in collaboration with the Institute of Rural Economy, IER. In association with the Operation for Livestock Development in the Mopti Region ODEM and funded by the World Bank, the CIPEA-IER/ODEM teams started a very ambitious research and development project which, in the productivist approach in fashion at that time, was aimed at 'modernizing' livestock breeding in the 5 th region of Mali in order to make the region a pole of animal production in the area. Our mandate was threefold: To conduct a fine-scale study of the rangelands of the Inner Delta of Niger (fig 1), as well as transhumance during the rainy season and cool dry season on the left bank, reaching westwards to the Serpent valley and northwards up to the Mauritanian border. To conduct a study of the pastoral organization of the land (territories, transhumance paths ...), and of conflicts between pastoralists, fishermen and farmers related to the uses of natural resources. To formulate proposals for the development of livestock productivity.
The means at our disposal were exceptional: a budget of more than one million dollars, a fleet of vehicles, a twin-engine aircraft, a 1:50 000 photographic coverage in Infrared Color, commissioned to the French National Geographic Institute, IGN. The human resources were equally considerable: some thirty Malian and international researchers and collaborators divided into several teams: A team of ecologists under the direction of Pierre Hiernaux, Mohamed Idrissa Cissé and Lassine Diarra. A team responsible for studies and for the mapping of pastoral land tenure under the direction of Salmana Cissé, Samba Soumaré and Jérôme Marie. An team for aerial surveys (including cattle counting) under the direction of Kevin Milligan, David Bourn and William Wint. A team responsible for the study and implementation of a reform of territories and uses that regulate access to natural resources. This work was directed by Salmana Cissé, Alain Rochegude (a lawyer) and Jérôme Marie. Finally, a team based at ILCA headquarters in Addis Ababa, in charge of mapping. Mark Haywood, his director, made several visits to the fields with Pierre Hiernaux. He realized the whole photo-interpretation, defined and coordinated the drawing of the cartographic system. Land tenure crews charged with registering the leyde boundaries, pastoral trails, and resting camps worked directly on the 1:50 000 topographic background maps developed by Mark Haywood. This resulted in a report entitled "Seeking a solution to the problems of animal husbandry in the Inner Delta of the Niger in Mali", handed over to the Government of Mali and the ODEM in March 1983. The five volumes (1100 pages) dealt with : 1 . Rangelands in the study area (their floristic composition, ecological conditions, production, etc.) 2 . The distribution and density of livestock in different seasons obtained by systematic aerial surveys. 3 . Geographical and socio-economic monographs covering all the leyde (Fulani pastoral territories in the Delta), dealing with villages, population, the organization of transhumance, land conflicts, etc. 4 . A legal analysis proposing solutions to solve conflicts between pastoralists, fishermen and farmers. In particular, we advocated the replacement of leyde by agro-pastoral units, territorial communities headed by an elected council whose competence would be to regulate the use of resources (land, water, pastures, etc.) among the various holders of rights. These reports were accompanied by detailed maps in three layers: The maps of the Niger Inland Delta rangelands (27 maps at 1:50 000 scale in 80x50 cm format). But also the map of the rangelands of the 'Delta mort' and the Office du Niger (31 maps in the 1: 100 000 format 40x28cm) and the maps of the continental rangelands to the West and North (6 IGN topographic maps 1: 200,000). Pastoral land mapping of the Inland Delta of the Niger covering the 31 leyde (Fulani pastoral territories) of the Delta. This cover, rigorously superimposable to the previous one, bore the detailed hydrographic network, the relief elements (hills or "togge" ), the villages and hamlets cultivated, the pastoral tracks inside the Delta (over 3,600 km) pastoral gîtes (over 1,000), toponymy, land disputes over lodges, trails or leyde boundaries. Maps of agricultural land use, comparing 1952 and 1974/75 (Haywood M. 1981. "Evolution of land use and vegetation in the Sudano-Sahelian zone of the ILCA project in Mali", Doc. Working Group 3, ILCA, Addis Ababa, 187 p.). This work was not implemented and its results were never published, for several reasons: Implementation would have required the establishment of relations between the populations and the administrations concerned on a decentralized and democratic basis, which was not the case at the time. The decentralization that took place under the Third Republic, which led in 1999 to the creation of rural communes and the election of municipal councils, now offers more favorable political conditions for the local management of natural resources, as our study advocated at the time. Despite the success of the two experimental units, in 1983 the Malian political power was not ready for such a radical reform. ILCA engaged in the study only at the urgent request of the World Bank. No provisions had been made for a publication beyond the delivery of the reports and maps to ODEM as specified in the contract. Besides, such a publication would have been at odds with the ILCA policy in those days, which was more focused on animal production development projects. Our concern about pastoral land tenure was largely misunderstood by our supervisors at that time.... But the main reason was our inability to perform syntheses, or modeling and spatial analysis operations on such a mass of data in the absence of powerful computing tools. In 1983, computers still used heavy, slow and expensive systems. GIS was virtually non-existent and satellite remote sensing was in its infancy (SPOT, for instance, had not yet been launched). Pierre Hiernaux, for example, treated his phyto-ecological observations with punch cards. When Mark Haywood wanted to quantify the area of ​​the «bourgoutières» in the Delta in 1983, he had to cut out the plots representing this plant species formation and then weigh the paper pieces to deduce the area!
The creation of the Geographic Information System DELMASIG However, the project archives were carefully kept, and in the early 1990s, with the authorization of ILCA which was not interested in the study anymore a first attempt was made to publish the maps with the active help of colleagues of the Institute of Livestock and Veterinary Medicine for the Tropics, IEMVT (now a department of Center for International Cooperation in Agronomical Research toward Development, CIRAD). The exorbitant cost of this publication (about 1 million francs or 170,000 euros) caused the project to fail. It became evident that only the realization of a GIS would make these data accessible and provide the syntheses that we had not been able to carry out at the time. Starting in 1997, thanks to François Cuq’s friendly help, Jérôme Marie, the team's geographer, was able to work full-time at the Géosystèmes laboratory of the CNRS on Arc Info software in order to model the data collected. A small team was set up with Pierre Hiernaux, Mark Haywood (who digitized all the rangeland maps), Isabelle Louise Bisson, a student and database specialist, Emmanuel and Jacqueline Giraudet, CNRS engineers, Alain Trouvé, a mathematician in Paris13 -Villetaneuse and Yu Yong, a computer scientist of the University of Shanghai then registered for a post- doc in Paris 13. The original project was enriched with new data: - Water levels recorded until 2015 in order to model the flooded areas. - The areas cultivated in 1952, 1975 and 1989, making it possible to relate rice farming to the flood - The new territorial organization of Mali in order to put the analyses within the framework of the rural ‘communes’. - Landsat satellite images (since 1984) to verify the extent of the flooded surfaces for the different flood heights and to cross the results of the satellite images analysis with our own 3D model of the Delta basins. This model was also enriched by the thousands of altitude ratings created by the IGN for the Niger River Mathematical Model. - In 2014, Pierre Hiernaux and Matthew D. Turner were able to return to the Inland Delta, revisit the sites described between 1979 and 1983 and document the dynamics of the vegetation for a possible updating of the vegetation map. It is therefore the evolution of this GIS now developed under ARC GIS and called "DELMASIG" for SIG DELTA inside MALI that Jérôme Marie and Pierre Hiernaux have decided to make accessible to the scientific community by creating a dedicated website with these data and maps. ILCA-IER / ODEM Project staff Pierre Hiernaux, Mohamed Idrissa Cissé and Lassine Diarra for the rangeland studies. Kevin Milligan, David Bourn, William Wint, Peter N. De Leeuw and Mamadou Keita for the aerial surveys. Abdallah Ben Alakaouri, Salmana Cissé, Jérôme Marie, Mamadou Nadio, Alain Rochegude, Samba Soumaré and Ibrahim Ag Youssouf for ILCA-IER, Kader Cissé, Mahamet Keita, Yahia Maguiraga, Gaoussou Sidibé for the ODEM under the direction of Dr. Nouhmou Diakité, for the socio-economic and legal study. Mark Haywood and his team for photo interpretation and mapping.
Study area with the UTM 30 grid (5000 m.)